Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Critical journal.(street art barcelona)

Went to barcelona last week. spent alot of time walking around alley ways, zoning in on the doorways and walls searching for stickers of distinct quality. This wasnt to hard though as it seemed that i had developed some sort of sixth sense. Sticker sense. I looked in the nooks in the crannys, up high and down low. When i came back to leeds this sixth sense seem to continue. I have started to notice more stickers, more graffiti. My memories of the my last visit to barcelona are filled with the most intricate graffiti styles, i have memories of barcelona being coveted by this graffiti and i expected this to be the same. But apparently they have started to "clean the city up" by destroying graffiti walls and replacing them with government buildings and art galleries. there was one that i found near MACBA (museu arte contemporani barcelona) My favourite pieces on thsi wall are paint splats. They dont technical skill like many of the other pieces but they challenge this. Graffiti is all about territory, with terms like bombing being attached to them. The splats take this to a different level they are like that made by paintballing. I just noticed what these colours are and the order that they are in cmyk. The printer swatch colours. Whether this is intentional or not i do not know. The stickers in barcelona were amazing makes me want to do some myself heres some photos.

Fashion chimp sticker is a faile sticker. Faile is a famous street artist with an iconic and instantly recognisable logotype.
There was alot of graffiti around barcelona but its the street art that captured my attention. street art un;ike graffiti uses traditional art techniques like printmaking, silkscreening. I think that it links more with graphic design because it uses these techniques rather than traditional graffiti that has a more painterley quality given to it. Street art has adopted mechanisms such as advertising and print based media to attack the street but blend in with the the urban landscape of endless advertising and graphic design.

Stickers allow for street artists to work on their pieces before sticking them up. They are created then stuck up. This allows for great detail and fast apllication. Quite essential in such illegal activities.

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